Better joint accounts


Let's make joint finances safer and smarter

Millions of us need a way of splitting household bills and managing shared finances.

30 million adults in the UK use a joint account today.

...but joint accounts as they exist today expose consumers to unnecessary risks.

If your relationship turns sour, your joint account turns into a burden

Your partner can drain your account, taking your money, or even leave you with overdraft debt.

Poor decisions made by your partner will have an impact on your credit score.

In abusive situations, your partner can use a joint account to assert control.

"During the more turbulent times in my relationship I have wondered what would happen to my assets if we held more in our joint account and ended up separating."

Let's stop talking about joint accounts, and start talking about joint payments

Banks need to change how they think about joint accounts.

With Open Banking payment initiation, we can now create a safer joint account alternative.


Money would stay in a user's sole current account until a joint payment was initiated.

Payments could be split differently depending on partner preferences, so it's not always 50/50.

Better traceability on who makes decisions on the account makes it easier to prevent abuse.

With joint payments instead of a joint account, everyone wins


Users get a safer way of splitting bills without losing financial independence.

Banks can use their Open Banking infrastructure to retain customers and attract their partners.

Victims of economic abuse would be protected, with funds kept under their name alone.

Find out more

How we can safeguard customers using a joint account alternative 🚧

This website stemmed from an FCA Techsprint on Women's Economic Empowerment in March 2021. Tara McCarthy, one of our team members, wrote a piece on her experience:

My first hackathon!

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Our hackathon mascots, the Bean squad!
Our hackathon mascots, the Bean squad!

Made with ❤️ at an FCA TechSprint, 2021 | Built with Notion and Fruition